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middle west 〔美國〕中西部(各州)。

middle western

The emerald ash borer has destroyed trees in the middle west and as far east in the united states as maryland . the insects have also spread as far north as ontario canada . ash trees are popular , they grow well in heavy clay soils and they can survive ice storm well . they produce many leaves , so they provide shade protection from the sun . and in the fall , the leaves turn a beautiful golden and purple 這種翡綠色的灰蟲已經美國中西部的樹和遠到馬里蘭的東部.這種昆蟲也傳到了遠到加拿大安大略湖北部.灰樹是很流行的,它們能在重粘土里很好的生長并且他們能在冰暴天氣生存.它們能產生很多樹葉,因此它們能提供蔭涼處.在秋天,葉子變得漂亮的金色和紫色

The largest city of illinois , in the northeast part of the state on lake michigan . it is a major port and the commercial , financial , industrial , and cultural center of the middle west . the city was nearly destroyed by a disastrous fire in1871 . population , 2 , 783 , 726 芝加哥美國伊利諾伊州最大的城市,位于該州的東北部密歇根湖上。是中西部重要的港口城市以及商業、經濟、工業和文化中心。這座城市在1871年曾被一場大火災幾乎摧毀。人口2 , 783 , 726

Through the explanation of the non - governmental economy ’ s actual effects , this thesis illustrates that the development of non - governmental economy has very important realistic significance for hubei province to step faster than any other provinces in the middle west in our country 本文通過闡述民營經濟的重要作用說明民營經濟發展對湖北經濟走在中西部前列具有十分重要的現實意義。

Period of diverse trades , quietly rising up in the middle west of the divine land . linfen will realize strategic transform from large economic prefecture to strong economic prefecture 臨汾正在神州中西部悄然崛起,實現由經濟大市向經濟強市的戰略轉變。

The east and { part } of the { middle west } midwest suffered heavy rains and extreme heat , so the supply for sale has decreased , making prices higher than last year 美國東部和中部遭受了暴雨和酷暑,所以導致可出售的南瓜比去年減少,價格略高。

His earlier stories , as collected in boy life on the prairie ( 1899 ) , deal with farm life in the middle west 他早期的短篇小說集《草原上的童年》 ( 1899 )反映美國中西部的農場生活。

Washington university in saint louis , missouri is a medium - sized [ medium size ] school in the midwest [ middle west ] 位于密蘇里州,圣路易斯的華盛頓大學是中西部的一所中型學校。

It ' s the east - coast turn to get a taste of bad wintry blast that had been hiting middle west 現在輪到了東海岸體驗到了一直襲擊中西部的強烈的寒風。

Young people from the middle west created a new musical form during this time 來自美國中西部的年輕人在此其間創立了一種新的音樂形式。

Analysis of characteristics of groundwater level regime in middle west of tangshan city 唐山中西部地區地下水位動態特征分析

The east and parts of the middle west suffered heavy rains and extreme heat 東部和中西部一些地區遭受大雨和酷熱。

Yet , the middle west an area known as the corn belt has received enough rain 但是,中西部玉米帶獲得足夠的雨水。

The middle west comprehends many farming and industrial areas 中西部包括許多農業區和工業區。

Leadership in the temperance agitation in the north and middle west was taken by the methodists, often more socially alert than other protestant groups . 衛理公會教徒取得北部和中西部禁酒運動的領導權,他們往往比其它新教徒集團對社會義務更具有警覺性。

Instead of being the warm center of the world, the middle west now seemed like the ragged edge of the universe . 中西部不再是世界溫暖的中心,而倒象是宇宙的荒涼的邊緣。

It was a period of muddy thought and marked the decline of higher education in the middle west . 那個時期人們思想混亂,標志著中西部高等教育的衰退。

There was still acute unrest in the farm areas, especially in the western middle west . 在農業區域特別是偏西的中西部,仍有激烈的騷動。